
Get rid of nail fungus and be proud of your feet again

Nail fungus is a topic that most people don’t like to discuss, but its one that affects nearly 1 in 4 Americans. While most people are familiar with the cosmetic ramifications, if left untreated, the fungus could lead into a more serious infection.

Up until this point, there were very few treatments for nail fungus and even those treatments provided very little success. Thankfully, that’s not the case anymore.

If you suffer from nail fungus, there is a revolutionary laser treatment that is providing tremendous results.

The Genesis Plus laser is a fast and effective way to increase clear toenails in patients with oncyhomycosis without drug therapy. Developed by Cutera, this state-of-the-art laser treatment only lasts 20 minutes and causes no downtime for patients.

But don’t just take our word for it; check out what some of the other leading podiatrists across the country are saying about Genesis Plus.

If you’ve suffered from nail fungus for years, now there is something you can do about it. Stop burying you toes in your shoes and cure the fungus once and for all. Give us a call if you have questions. Univeristy Foot and Ankle Center is the only provider of GenesisPlus toenail fungus care in the entire region.

Ladies, curing your toenail fungus with GenesisPlus will help you stay healthy and give you another reason to go out and buy a new pair of shoes… and this time, they’ll be open-toed.

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